Huzzah. This morning we started seeing the cosmos and zinnias, chard, watermelons, and every one of my okra seeds...that's right, people, okra.
And now, after a morning water and hours of steamy sunlight, the corn shoots have arrived. This is timely because the pole beans we're expecting them to support are dwarfing them at the moment. We're going to pretend this situation will work itself out. We're also pretending the ant colony that moved into a corner of the tomato plot is not actually filled with fire ants, though they look suspiciously pinchy.
Instead of lying (away from the ants) to watch that corn come in, I've been looking for answers to a question raised yesterday in conversation with my friend Tiffany in San Francisco. Tiffany and I have been buddies exploring the vast and wonderful sustainable food scene in the Bay Area. We've been inspired and overwhelmed by the information flowing from Civil Eats, Roots of Change, and CUESA to name a few favorites. Classes, festivals like Eat Real, and even the "Reading Seeds" food author lecture series, provide entree to much knowledge and enthusiasm.
Finally, four decades after "Diet for a Small Planet" was first published, resources abound for curious consumers, budding backyard gardeners, urban homesteaders, and citizen foodie proselytizers to get educated and get involved. We don't take issue with this. This stuff is hot.
The question we have is this: "How does one get involved in the sustainable food movement professionally?"
And while I love you Grist, there must be something more concrete than Auden Schendler's article, "How Do I Find a Green Job?", which provides good advice but lacks specifics.
So for those of you spending Friday afternoon at your desk daydreaming about just that, you're in luck because I have answers:
1) Resources for the curious exist and many are now compiled on the left-hand side of this blog. Some have been percolating for decades, like the UC Davis SAREP resource page, which lists publications for everything from how to start a community garden to local food system planning. Some, like Sustainable Food Jobs and the National Young Farmers' Coalition are only months old. Things are moving fast and I need your help, so please email me with resources.
2) Know it All's Sow: Coming soon, As The Bee Flies will feature interviews with entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, chefs, farmers, filmmakers, authors, activists, sustainability professionals, educators, and financiers who have made the leap and who want to share advice with a new crop of foodies seeking a fresh start.
3) Incubation...under construction: At this week's Slow Money Symposium, Austin food blogger Salt and Time boldly pointed out to potential investors that it isn't only money he needs, it's incubators for new small businesses, it's training programs, and it's mentoring from the folks who have already been there and done that. Now, THAT'S a question I can sink my teeth into professionally and passionately and I'll keep you posted as the answer emerges...
In the meantime, enjoy your Earth Day weekend and get out there and garden it up.
Photo: Pole bean with corn sprouts barely visible (and I mean barely.)